Tuesday, April 15, 2014

#1:##13 - Butterflies in my kitchen...

Oh it's still April ;) .. Happy to be back before I thought I could make it and much later than promised but what to do, such is life!

If you still remember, I shared a little story in my previous post about how I started three different things on a goddamned day and and it has taken me really long to get over the hurdles and complete the task I began. I had decided to experiment with felt on April, 5. It took me a while to collect the raw materials given my mobility constraints. After I collected the material I was almost sure of what I wanted to create. And I did start pretty confidently to create two felt butterflies for my kitchen shelf as decor.

Let me tell you it is absolutely human to presume this task is pretty straight forward and so it was, until... I decided to keep it clean and use glue to stick the parts of the butterfly together instead of simply stitching them. Stitching was not my strong suit but fast forward to today, I have had an extensive training in stitching and consider myself comfortable with the craft of stitching. (You have to check out my next "encounter" with stitching to know what I have been through). So coming back to the butterflies, here is the story...

I cut the stencil for the butterflies so that I could have two identical butterflies. I have a small wing, big wing and the body. Felt was feeling nice and I was pretty excited. While I was still cutting the fabric, I was thinking to myself that I will stick them together with glue and that should be it. However, just after I finished that thought, I was suddenly not very happy with my creation. And I decided to create something useful. The thought excited me so much that I left the butterflies mid-way (WHY??????) and started creating a cleaning rag which would have a lady bug on the top of it which can be used as a grip (REALLY??) and happily cut the base for the ladybug's body. But did not know how to cut the rest of the cloth to make one sided protrusion and decided to chuck that idea (more about it later) and create a "simple" tic-tac-toe game using felt. So now I guess you understand my emotions behind calling April, 5 a goddamned day - please, this is a very personal context so do not take offense if it happens to be your birthday or anniversary or the day of your first kiss and so on....

This all happened in a matter of two hours. At the end of it, I had started three projects and I was still nowhere with my creation for the day. Driven by child-like excitement led me to start something really long and tedious that I could not let go.

Many things happened all at once so I will have to breakdown the story to maintain relevance at this point. I will leave it to your imagination to draw the picture in your mind at the end of my third post from now.

So on April,5 I went to bed by starting to stitch the base for the tic-tac-toe and learnt a stitch called blanket stitch. I said starting because it took me around 2 hours on the next day just to finish hemming the edges of the base on which my cross and knots would lie and I was starting to become a little faster with the stitch.

On April 7 I decided that I would simply use the glue and complete the butterflies. But...... the glue (which I use to stick wooden objects) did not work! I tried another glue, that too would not work! So finally I decided to stitch the butterfly parts together and do it nicely. I did complete it on that day, but my inner voice had led me to take this as a challenge and I decided to write on this blog only after I finish all the three creations I had begun! :D ... How brave!

Anyway, so today is the day. Here is my first creation with felt.. the butterflies. While I began writing this sentence, I felt like giving the poor butterflies a bit of a finishing touch. I tried a different stitch for their eyes. The first eye turned out to be okay, the second one looked like it belonged to its baby! I had to redo it and while doing that, the butterfly's neck broke!! But I could fix it with a few stitches. Then I learnt my lessons and got the eyes right for the second butterfly. With this, I bury all my ideas of doing anything else on those butterflies and just completing this post and my creation (and the troubles that tagged along).

So proudly presenting to you... the butterflies in my kitchen..

Btw, those butterflies came off just after I took the snap :D ...

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